211: Sim, C P
British Supreme Court for China, Intestate memo books register record
- ID: 211
- Piece no.: FO 1092/261
- Year range: 1887-1905
- Surname: Sim
- Given name or initials: C P
- Page: 13
- Any notes: Died at Cheefoo. Four sisters Mrs Elizabeth Ledwell (widow), the eldest at 145 Farmers Road Camberwell Surrey, Mrs Susan Yule and Mrs Ann Fenton both at 13 Stockwell Park Road London and Mrs Marion Wells, 23 Brymer Road, Idell Street, Camberwell, Surrey
- Date of death: 12/05/1887
- Cause of death: Smallpox
- Occupation: In command of the Chinese steamer Lee yuen at Cheefoo