345: Driver, William Charles
British Supreme Court for China, Intestate memo books register record
- ID: 345
- Piece no.: FO 1092/261
- Year range: 1887-1905
- Surname: Driver
- Given name or initials: William Charles
- Page: 192
- Any notes: Alias William Rumbold.Age 36. Next of kin: Mrs R Remblence, Earsham, Bungay, Suffolk. Rector of Earsham said Rumbold's real name was William Charles Driver, born 31 August 1865, the illegitimate son of Patience Remblance who died in childbirth.
- Date of death: 03/01/1901
- Cause of death: Alcoholism
- Occupation: Employed in Sanitary Ware Dept, Municipal Council