168: Moulls?, John
Customs Service Outdoor Staff Register, Shanghai 19th century record
- ID: 168
- Surname: Moulls?
- Given name: John
- Nationality: British
- Date of Birth: 1831-2-12
- Place of Birth: Woolwich
- Married?: Yes, Aug 1870- widower
- Date appointed: 10/07/1864
- First position: 4th Class Tidewaiter- Tls 30
- Ports stationed at: Chefoo, Tientsin, Chefoo, Shanghai, SUL, Shanghai
- leave: 17 months
- position on leaving: 1st Class Tidewaiter- Tls 70
- reason for leaving: deceased
- date left: 17/02/1883
- notes: resigned Nov 1869- rejoined with seniority March 1871