39: Calver, Edmund Vincent
Customs Service Outdoor Staff Register, Shanghai 19th century record
- ID: 39
- Surname: Calver
- Given name: Edmund Vincent
- Nationality: British
- Date of Birth: 1846-6-9
- Place of Birth: Chatham
- Married?: No
- Date appointed: 01/02/1873
- First position: Watcher- Tls 50
- Ports stationed at: Amoy, Shanghai, Kiukiang, SUL
- leave: 18 months
- position on leaving: Assistant Examiner- Tls 80
- reason for leaving: transferred to Chinkiang
- date left: 30/04/1884
- notes: detached for Lightkeeper's duties at Chapel Island April- Sept 1875 and at Tsingsew June-July 1876. In charge of Postal Department September 1880- March 1881