217: Boorman, Frank
Shanghai Municipal Policemen record
- Number: 217
- Surname: Boorman
- Forename: Frank
- Previous Employment: RN, 1912-21
- Joined: 1922
- Left: 1942
- Formal reason for leaving: Contract terminated by Japanese, 31-7-1942
- Later Employment or Residence: Hong Kong, RHKP, 26-1-46; Australia, 1957: widow living in NSW
- Died: 1954
- Nationality: British
- Date of Birth: 04/02/1897
- Year of Birth: 1897
- Place of Birth: England, London
- Father's Occupation: No information for father. Mother a launderess.
- Marital Status: Married
- Wife's Name: Anna
- Children: No
- Const/PS: 1922
- Sergt: 1924
- SI: 1930
- Insp: 1939
- Left Force: 1942
- ID: 619