472: Crompton, A.L.
Shanghai Municipal Policemen record
- Number: 472
- Surname: Crompton
- Forename: A.L.
- Previous Employment: WW1, RFA, Gunner
- Joined: 1919
- Left: 1939
- Formal reason for leaving: Transferred 1921, died 18-8-1939
- Further Reasons for leaving: Transferred to Gaol
- Later Employment or Residence: Shanghai, SMC Gaol
- Died: 1939
- Nationality: British
- Date of Birth: 21/02/1894
- Year of Birth: 1894
- Marital Status: Unknown
- Children: No
- Const/PS: 1919
- Gaol branch: Warder: 1921
- Gaol branch: Senior Warder: 1925
- Gaol branch: Assistant Gaoler: 1930
- Gaol branch: Head Gaolor: 1939
- Other: Gaoler, 1933
- Left Force: 1921
- ID: 797