233: Bourne, Kenneth Morison
Shanghai Municipal Policemen record
- Number: 233
- Surname: Bourne
- Forename: Kenneth Morison
- Previous Employment: Army, Resigned 1913
- Joined: 1914
- Left: 1942
- Formal reason for leaving: Retired
- Further Reasons for leaving: Retired by Japanese 21-2-1942; Left Shanghai on leave 13-8-41.
- Later Employment or Residence: SOE, Washington, India
- Died: 1968
- Nationality: British
- Date of Birth: 01/11/1893
- Year of Birth: 1893
- Place of Birth: China, Canton
- Father's Occupation: China Consular Service (Coates No.145)
- Marital Status: Married
- Wife's Name: Marion Royston Porter
- Wife's Nationality: British
- Children: Yes
- Cadet: 1914
- Other Rank: CP, 29-5-38
- CP or CS: 1938
- Left Force: 1942
- ID: 22