372: Cholerton, Thomas Edward
Shanghai Municipal Policemen record
- Number: 372
- Surname: Cholerton
- Forename: Thomas Edward
- Previous Employment: Errand boy; RN, 7 years 1896-1903, left by purchase HK
- Joined: 1903
- Left: 1905
- Formal reason for leaving: Resigned, 7-4-1905
- Later Employment or Residence: SMC Health Dept Insp; 1911 Aust: 21st Bn. Australian Infantry, A.I.F, DOW 9-5-17
- Died: 1917
- Nationality: British
- Date of Birth: 03/07/1880
- Year of Birth: 1880
- Place of Birth: England, Yorkshire, Sheffield
- Father's Occupation: Silversmith
- Marital Status: Unknown
- Children: No
- Const/PS: 1903
- Left Force: 1905
- ID: 1402