Necropolis of Russian Shanghai (Некрополь русского Шанхая) record
- ID: 1716
- Surname: Speransky
- Forename and paternity: Olga Fedorovna
- Фамилия: Сперанская
- Имя и отчество: Ольга Федоровна
- S: f
- Date of birth // Дата рождения: 1886 circa
- Date of death // Дата смерти: 1938-05-20
- Occupation // Профессия: Teacher at Russian Women’s League School
- Burial place // Место захоронения: Bubbling Well
- Obituary // Некролог: NCH 1938-05-25; Slovo 1938-11-21; TCP 1938-05-22
- NRS // НРС: 397
- Notes // Примечания: Survived by husband Alexander Nicolaevich Speransky, connected with the Yee Tsoong Tobacco Co. “The deceased came to Shanghai as a Russian emigrant in 1920 and taught the French language at the First Russian School of the Russian Women’s League in Wayside. She was instrumental in founding the School of the Russian Women’s League, for girls, and was one of the most active members of this organization. In addition, she was connected with numerous charitable organizations and was well liked by all.” Husband A. N Speransky, b. 1875 in Tver, ERC 120483.