73: Bagrava (Bagrova?), no initials
Necropolis of Russian Shanghai (Некрополь русского Шанхая) record
- ID: 73
- Surname: Bagrava (Bagrova?)
- Forename and paternity: no initials
- Фамилия: Баграва (Багрова?)
- Имя и отчество: без инициалов
- S: f
- Date of birth // Дата рождения: 1913 circa
- Date of death // Дата смерти: 1949-02-26
- Details of death // Детали смерти: Found dead in the street
- Obituary // Некролог: TCP 1949-03-02
- Notes // Примечания: Found dead at the intersection of Avenue Joffre and Route Doumer. “The blonde who was at first mistaken for a cashier at Mars Café was described as well-dressed.”