1390: Proskuryakoff, P. I.
Necropolis of Russian Shanghai (Некрополь русского Шанхая) record
- ID: 1390
- Surname: Proskuryakoff
- Forename and paternity: P. I.
- Фамилия: Проскуряков
- Имя и отчество: П. И.
- S: m
- Date of birth // Дата рождения: ?
- Date of death // Дата смерти: 1936-05-04
- Occupation // Профессия: Factory employee
- Details of death // Детали смерти: Died of gas poisoning at work
- Obituary // Некролог: SZ 1936-05-06; 1936-02-11
- Notes // Примечания: Worked at the factory Wajda & Co., received gas poisoning during smelting process in December 1935 and was sent to the hospital. In February 1936, together with co-worker, he sued the employer. Presumably died in May 1936.